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Expanded Field of Painting

Core Influences

  • Lothar Gotz

  • Sculpture in the Expanded Field - Rosalind Krauss

  • Painting in the Expanded field - Gustavo Fares

  • Bauhaus Manifesto

  • Anni Albers

  • Gunta Stolz

  • Grayson Perry










Rosalind Krauss' essay, "Sculpture in the Expanded Field", included a diagram exlplaing her view on sculptures expanded field. She then goes on to state what could be possibly included in a painting version. Articles such as ARCHITECTURE/LANDSCAPE and UNIQUENESS/REPRODUCABILITY.


The Bauhaus manifesto championed the connection between artist and craftsman, between painter and craftsman. By introducing the crafts to a painter you are expanding their field. If they choose to take elements from craft it then becomes expanded painting. it is no longer on a flat plane. Lothar Gotz does this with his murals they are applied directly on to the wall they are no longer on that flat plane and have expanded to the wall. Anni Albers and Gunta Stölzl have also done this [they were part of the weaving workshop in the Bauhaus as it was mainly/only men in the painting workshop]. They created wall hangings which have painterly qualities. Whether this was because of Anni being Josef Albers wife, I do not know.  

Lothar Gotz

Lothar Gotz

Lothar Gotz

Lothar Gotz

Lothar Gotz

Lothar Gotz

Lothar Gotz

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